Town of North Manchester, Indiana, Wabash County, history, ecomonic development, town council, business, covered bridge, downtown, Victorian Village, Tree City USA, Peabody, historic

Voting and Voting Registration

You may register to vote at the Clerk's Office, 103 E. Main Street, North Manchester or at the Office of the County Clerk in the Courthouse (260) 563-0661 at Wabash. You may also register at the Public Library (260) 982-4773, 405 N. Market St. In addition, either Township Trustee can register voters.

Absentee voting application forms are available from any of these individuals. You must be absent from the county or be physically incapacitated and unable to get to the polls on Election Day to qualify to vote by absentee ballot.

If you have moved since the last election, you should fill out a new voter registration card.

You must live in a precinct thirty (30) days to be eligible to vote in that precinct. If you are an Indiana resident who changed precincts less than thirty days prior to an election, before the first of May you may execute an affidavit at the Courthouse in Wabash that will allow you to vote in your old precinct. Please call the County Clerk's office (1-800-286-3190) ahead of time to confirm the deadline for any given year.

Election propaganda of any type (signs, shirts, hats, buttons, etc.) are not allowed within 50 feet of the polls.

Registered voters who have questions about where to vote should call the Clerk's office (982-9800). Maps are available of the voting precincts in North Manchester and the polling place (voting place) for each of the precincts.