Town of North Manchester, Indiana, Wabash County, history, ecomonic development, town council, business, covered bridge, downtown, Victorian Village, Tree City USA, Peabody, historic

Trees and Treelawns

A treelawn is that portion of land between the sidewalk and the edge of the street. All treelawns are the property of the Town and are to be maintained by the adjoining property owner, as are sidewalks and curbs. North Manchester has an ordinance prohibiting the parking of automobiles and other vehicles on the treelawn.

The Town does not maintain trees growing on treelawns and the property owner bears the responsibility for dangerous trees; however, you are asked to notify the Town Manager (982-9800 Ext. 376) when you want permission to cut one of them down. The Town does keep a tree inventory and needs this information in order to keep the inventory up-to-date.

North Manchester does provide for tree replacement. Thanks to a grant from the Dr. Worth M. Walrod Memorial Tree Fund, the Town annually subsidizes trees for replacement on treelawns or new trees for developing neighborhoods. Details of the program will be published in the local newspaper each year, or you may contact the Clerk's Office (982-9800) for further details.