Town of North Manchester, Indiana, Wabash County, history, ecomonic development, town council, business, covered bridge, downtown, Victorian Village, Tree City USA, Peabody, historic

Trash and Recycling

Weekly Trash Service

Residents of North Manchester are provided a wheeled 96 gallon trash toter (brown in color). Smaller wheeled toters are available by calling the utility office at 982-9800 or stopping by the utility office at 101 E. Main Street.

Curbside Recycling

The Town of North Manchester provides one 96 gallon wheeled recycling toter per household for recyclable materials (yellow lid). Smaller toters are available upon request by contacting the utility office.

The following clean materials are acceptable for the curbside recycling collection:

  • cardboard
  • newspaper, magazines, junk mail, mixed paper
  • glass bottles (clear/brown/green)
  • steel and aluminum cans
  • #1 and #2 plastic containers.

Please prepare recyclable materials before placing them in the toter by placing materials in a plastic trash bag. This prevents loose items such as newspapers from being blown out of the toter when it is dumped by the recycling company.

Other helpful tips include:

  • rinse and flatten (if possible) metal cans and plastic bottles
  • rinse glass bottles
  • flatten cardboard
  • remove all caps, lids, pumps and neck rings.

Trash and recycling containers must be placed at the street for collection. Containers must be on or adjacent to the curb, and not more than six feet from the side of the street or alley from which collection will be made. The trash and recycling toters should have at least two feet between them for proper collection.

Recyclable materials will be picked up every other week. Schedules may be picked up at the Utility Office and pickup dates are listed on the monthly utility bills.

Additional recycling opportunities are provided by the Wabash County Solid Waste Management District, including household batteries, waste oil, appliances (including those with freon), and tires.