Scout Hall and Seward Building

All rental fees must be paid in advance.

Rental rates:


Afternoon/Evening: Resident- $31.50; Non-resident- $52.50
(Not during meal time)
One Meal Time: Resident- $47.25; Non-resident- $63.00
(lunch- before 3 p.m. or supper- after 3 p.m.)
All Day: Resident- $63.00; Non-resident- $105.00

Commercial Groups

For groups or individuals wanting to rent the Scout Hall or Seward Memorial Building for sales/auctions or admission charged events. Rental fee is to be paid in advance.
4 hours- $52.50
One full day- $105.00

For use of Scout Hall, pavillion and park for industrial picnics, etc. for a group of 250 or more. Rental fee is to be paid in advance.

One day- $262.50


Damage deposit for tents $50.00, refunded if no damage is done to grounds.


All day- $10.50

All fees include 5% sales tax.

Gold Card Memberships for businesses:

Resident- $150.00
Non-resident- $200.00

Web site designed by Holly E. Kendall, Kendall & Co.
Please direct any comments regarding this site to [email protected]

Button graphics from Art Today.