Town of North Manchester, Indiana, Wabash County, history, ecomonic development, town council, business, covered bridge, downtown, Victorian Village, Tree City USA, Peabody, historic

Main Street Project

This project arose out of a desire from the Town of North Manchester to improve the quality of its downtown environment. The emphasis is streetscape improvements.

The Design Team consists of a Steering Committee made up of North Manchester citizens and the landscape architecture firm of Rundell Ernstberger Associates, L.L.C. Acting together, a vision for the downtown improvements project was formed. Some of the general goals established by the Design Team include the following:

  • Community Involvement
  • Responsiveness to the Unique Character of North Manchester
  • Laying a Framework for Connectivity
  • Highlighting the Revitalized Building Facades
  • Providing Pedestrian Amenities
  • Creating a Balance between the Pedestrians and the Vehicle.

The engineering for the project is provided by Lawson and Fisher Associates P.E..

Construction is due to begin August 13, 2012.