Community Calendar
Event Title: N. Manchester Chamber Annual Dinner
Description: January 26, 2006
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Important Information for North Manchester Residents
Trash and Recycling
Residents of North Manchester are allowed up to three containers of trash. For each container over the limit, a pre-approved tag must be affixed. Untagged additional trash containers will not be collected. Tags may be purchased in packets of 10 for $7.50, at the following locations:
- Key Pharmacy, 1202 SR 114
- Ace Hardware, 902 W. Thorne St.
- Clark's Quick Stop, 310 E. Main St.
- Public Safety Building, 709 W. Main St.
- Tranter Paper Co., 107 W. Walnut St.
Curbside Recycling - The following clean materials are acceptable for the curbside recycling collection:
- cardboard
- newspaper, magazines, junk mail, mixed paper
- glass bottles (clear/brown/green)
- steel and aluminum cans
- #1 and #2 plastic containers.
The Town of North Manchester provides one container per household for recyclable materials. If you have more materials than the container will hold, you may place paper/cardboard in a paper bag or cardboard box.
Please prepare recyclable materials before placing them out for collection:
- rinse and flatten (if possible) metal cans and plastic bottles
- rinse glass bottles
- flatten cardboard
- remove all caps, lids, pumps and neck rings.
Please place food waste in plastic garbage bags, inside clean, watertight plastic or metal 20-32 gallon containers with tight-fitting lids. Yard waste (green clippings, tree branches, hedge trimmings, garden waste) will be collected if properly containerized (subject to the 3-container limit). Tree branches must be cut into 3-foot lengths.
Trash and recycling containers must be placed for collection at ground level on your property. Containers must be on or adjacent to the curb, and not more than six feet from the side of the street or alley from which collection will be made.
Recyclable materials will be picked up during the first and third full week of the month.
Additional recycling opportunities are provided by the Wabash County Solid Waste Management District, including household batteries, waste oil, appliances (including those with freon), and tires. E-Mail or call the District at (260) 563-7649 or Manchester Recycling, Inc. at (260) 563-5578 for details before taking these items to be recycled.
Trees and Treelawns
A treelawn is that portion of land between the sidewalk and the edge of the street. All treelawns are the property of the Town and are to be maintained by the adjoining
property owner, as are sidewalks and curbs. North Manchester has an ordinance prohibiting the parking of automobiles and other vehicles on the treelawn.
The Town does not maintain trees growing on treelawns and the property owner bears the responsibility for dangerous trees; however, you are asked to notify the
Director of Public Works (982-2993) or the Town Manager (982-9800 Ext. 376) when you want permission to cut one of them down. The Town does keep a tree
inventory and needs this information in order to keep the inventory up-to-date.
North Manchester does provide for tree replacement. Thanks to a grant from the Dr. Worth M. Walrod Memorial Tree Fund, the Town annually subsidizes trees for
replacement on treelawns or new trees for developing neighborhoods. Details of the program will be published in the local newspaper each year, or you may contact
the Clerk's Office (982-9800) for further details.
Other questions about trees may also be directed to the Parks Director, Brian Wagner at (982-4919) or [email protected].
Voting and Voting Registration
You may register to vote at the Clerk's Office, 103 E. Main Street, North Manchester or at the Office of the County Clerk in the Courthouse (260) 563-0661 at Wabash. You may also
register at the Public Library (260) 982-4773, 405 N. Market St., or the Bureau of Motor Vehicles office (license bureau) (260) 982-6406, 132 W. Main St. In addition, either Township Trustee can register voters.
Absentee voting application forms are available from any of these individuals. You must be absent from the county or be physically incapacitated and unable to
get to the polls on Election Day to qualify to vote by absentee ballot.
If you have moved since the last election, you should fill out a new voter registration card.
You must live in a precinct thirty (30) days to be eligible to vote in that precinct. If you are an Indiana resident who changed precincts less than thirty days prior to an
election, before the first of May you may execute an affidavit at the Courthouse in Wabash that will allow you to vote in your old precinct. Please call the County Clerk's office (1-800-286-3190) ahead of time to confirm the deadline for any given year.
Election propaganda of any type (signs, shirts, hats, buttons, etc.) are not allowed within 50 feet of the polls.
Registered voters who have questions about where to vote should call the Clerk's office (982-9800). Maps are available of the voting precincts in North Manchester
and the polling place (voting place) for each of the precincts.
North Manchester has a "No Burning" ordinance. Natural debris may only be burned by special permit. This permit must be obtained from
Bill Morris, (982-8555) Fire Chief. If a permit is issued, such burning shall be supervised and shall occur only between 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when no fire hazard is
created. Permitted burning shall be supervised and the supervisor shall take whatever actions are required to prevent combustion from occurring or continuing after
4:00 p.m. {Fires will not be allowed to smolder, so be certain that you put them out completely by 4:00 p.m.}
It is unlawful to burn natural debris on the paved portion of any sidewalk, street or alley.
Occasional use of recreational fires (such as bonfires or cooking fires may be conducted for a maximum of two (2) hours or less if supervised by a responsible adult
property owner or representative of a sponsoring community organization, in conjunction with planned activities which enhance the quality of family and community
life, utilizing only natural debris as a fuel source.
If convicted of a violation of the Burning Ordinance, the person supervising the fire, or, in his absence, the occupant of the property where the burning occurred, shall
be assessed a civil penalty of not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 to which shall be added the cost of repairing damage to any public way caused by the
Leaf Program
In order to encourage residents not to burn and to be considerate of those with breathing problems, North Manchester provides for curbside leaf pick-up in the Fall of
each year. Leaves should be raked to the edge of the treelawn or curb (not into the street) and crews will remove them several times throughout the
Autumn season. Watch the local newspaper for further instructions.
Bicycling is a good form of recreation and an excellent way to maintain physical fitness. Bicyclists are asked to obey the same traffic
regulations as automobile operators.
A Town ordinance prohibits the riding of bicycles, motorcycles, etc., on the sidewalks of downtown North Manchester. We ask that you make your children aware of
this regulation and instruct them in proper bicycle safety.
The Police Department registers bicycles and tags them to assist in identifying your bicycles should they be lost or stolen. We urge you to register your bicycles. There
is no cost for this registration.
School Cancellations
Radio and television stations are contacted to inform you of school cancellations. They are as follows:
WBCL 90.3 FM Ft. Wayne
WBTU 93.3 FM Ft. Wayne
WJOT 105.9 FM Wabash
WANE TV 15 Ft. Wayne
WKKG TV 33 Ft. Wayne
WPTA TV 21 Ft. Wayne
WAJI TV 55 Ft. Wayne
Info Central 1-800-769-0011
School System Phone Numbers
Manchester Community Schools Superintendent is Mr. Kim A. Thurston. His office is located at 107 S. Buffalo Street (982-7518).
Laketon Elementary School, Laketon
Manchester Elementary School, 301 River Rd., N. Manchester
Manchester Jr. High School, 404 W. Market St. |
Manchester High School, 1102 N. Market St. |
Township Trustees - Welfare Office
You may apply to the appropriate Township Trustee for poor relief and temporary assistance until welfare and food stamp benefits come through.
Residents of Chester Township should contact Florence (Mrs. Richard) Dahlstrom, 13522 N 200 E, Lot 12, North Manchester, Indiana, 46962 (982-2287). Her
office hours are 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Wednesday and Friday from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m., by appointment only. Directions to Dahlstrom's home are
to turn north off of State Road 13 on County Road 200 E., then travel approximately one-quarter mile. Her home is the blue house across the road from Timbercrest
Retirement Community.
Residents of Pleasant Township should contact Mary Lou Rohrer, 760 W 800 N, N. Manchester, Indiana, 46962, (1-260-774-3530). If you prefer not to call long
distance, you may contact her Clerk, Garnet Mansfield at 982-8335. Directions to Mrs. Rohrer's home are to travel south on State Road 13 four miles from its
intersection with State Road 114. Turn right (west) onto County Road 800 North and hers is the first house on the north side of the road. She keeps no specific office
hours, preferring to be called for an appointment first. Mrs. Rohrer is also available without an appointment from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturdays only, at the
Laketon Fire Station.
If eligible, you may receive temporary assistance with food, shelter, utilities, school clothing, school book rental, medical and funeral expenses.
The Wabash County Welfare Office may also be contacted to apply for food stamps, welfare and aid to dependent children. It is located at 89 W. Canal Street,
Wabash, Indiana, 46992, (1-260-563-8471). The Wabash office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The area Employment Security Office is located at P. O. Box 1371, Kokomo, Indiana, 46903, (1-800-875-0571). Representatives from the Employment Security
Office will also be available every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Career Resources Center located in the Ivy Tech Building at 1101 Colerain Street,
Wabash, Indiana, 46992, (1-260-563-8828).
Social Security
The Social Security Office serving the North Manchester area is located at 813 N. Western Avenue, Marion, Indiana, 47952. The office is open daily, Monday through
Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (except on national holidays). If you have any questions about social security, need a social security account number card, or wish
to file a claim for social security, Medicare or supplemental security income, call or write this office. Most social security business can be handled by phone. You can
save time and travel by calling or writing instead of visiting the office. If you want to apply for social security or SSI, a time will be set up for a claims representative
to call you. The telephone number if 1-317-664-9896.
Property Assessment
The Chester Township Assessor is Patricia Egolf, 205-1/2 Front Street (982-1337). Office hours are by appointment only.
The job of the Assessor is to determine the value of personal property for property tax purposes. You should contact Pat Egolf if you build a home, improve your
present home or add out-buildings.
You should also report the acquisition of trailers with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 3,000 pounds, including fold down campers, travel, utility, boat or other two
wheel trailers.
Boats to be assessed include rowboats, canoes and other non-motorized boats, excluding sailboats.
Vehicles to be reported include all trucks with a declared gross vehicle weight exceeding 11,000 pounds not used for business purposes, truck bodies (including pick-up campers), recreational vehicles, snowmobiles, and all other vehicles that are not subject to motor vehicle excise tax.
You should also pay dog tax to the Township Assessor.