Town of North Manchester, Indiana, Wabash County, history, ecomonic development, town council, business, covered bridge, downtown, Victorian Village, Tree City USA, Peabody, historic

Building Commissioner

The Town Building Commissioner is Bernie Ferringer. He may be reached at (982-9800 ext. 379) or cell phone (901-3323). Mr. Ferringer works only part-time as Building Commissioner and has no regular office hours in Town Hall. He works out of the Clerk's Office. The Clerk's Office staff will assist you with filing for a building permit, but all questions about zoning, variances, plot plans, set backs, signage, building codes, the need for a building permit, demolition ordinance, demolition permit, unsafe building ordinance,  etc., should be addressed to Mr. Ferringer. You may also contact Mr. Ferringer by E-Mail at [email protected].

North Manchester has a Master Plan for building and development of the community. You are invited to familiarize yourself with the building codes. Copies of the Master Plan may be reviewed or purchased at the Clerk's Office.

Building permits are necessary whether you want to build a new home or add to and improve your present home or business. Building permits may be applied for at the Clerk's Office. Generally speaking, a fee of $.03 per square foot of new building construction will be charged, with a minimum fee of $20.00. This fee must be paid at the time of submitting your application and the Building Commissioner is allowed up to five days to inspect and issue your permit. Be sure to apply for your permit in plenty of time before the actual construction is to begin. Lack of a permit means construction may be halted.