Town of North Manchester, Indiana
The official government website for the Town of North Manchester, Indiana
Complete lists of elected officials and town boards & commissions are also available.
Building and Code Enforcement Department(260) 982-3546
Economic & Community Development(260) 982-9800
Fire Department(260) 982-8212
Parks & Recreation(260) 982-4919
Street Department(260) 982-2778
Town Life Center(260) 982-6115
Town Manager(260) 982-9800 x 3540
Utility Office(260) 982-9800 x 1
Our goal at the North Manchester Utility Office is to provide fast, accurate, courteous service to all our customers.
Wastewater Department(260) 982-9800
Water Department(260) 982-9800
Contact the Town
- Phone: (260) 982-9800
- Staff Directory
- Office Hours:
8am-5pm Mon-Fri