Town Manager
Dan Hannaford is the Town Manager. His office is located at 103 E. Main Street, (982-9800 Ext. 376). Mr. Hannaford's office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
You should contact the Town Manager's office for general information about town services, ordinances (laws and regulations), and programs offered to the
community by the various departments. Feel free to call him with your compliments, complaints or concerns about any town business.
Mr. Hannaford handles industrial, commercial, and private development matters on behalf of the Town Council. You are urged to consult with Mr. Hannaford if you have any questions or concerns about North Manchester. He also serves as a liaison between town departments and residents with the Town Council.
Mr. Hannaford is frequently out of his office conducting Town business. You may leave a voice mail message and he will get back to you just as soon as possible, or
select an option to be transferred to the Clerk's Office. They will be happy to assist you or take a message. You may also contact Mr. Hannaford by E-Mail at
[email protected]
Director of Public Works
The department head in charge of street, water, sewer and storm water is John Mugford. His office is located at 407 E. Main Street (982-2993) and his scheduled
working hours are 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
You should contact Mr. Mugford for information on posting bonds to dig or cut into a treelawn or street. He can also answer questions about repair to water and sewage lines, streets and alleys. Other projects Mr. Mugford coordinates are leaf pick-up, Spring and Fall clean-up, and the sidewalk program.
Mr. Mugford is frequently out of his office and his phone will be answered by the Public Works (Utility) Office in his absence. Phone calls will be returned just as
soon as possible. You may also contact Mr. Mugford by E-Mail at
[email protected] .
Information for Town Residents about the Leaf Program
The Clerk-Treasurer is Nancy J. Reed. She is an elected official serving a four-year term. Her office is located at 103 E. Main Street (982-9800 Ext. 370). The
office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The public may contact this office to register to vote, apply for building permits, inquire about
local ordinances and regulations, purchase town maps and booklets, and file claims for payment of services rendered to the Town. Ms. Reed is secretary to the Town
Council. You may call her regarding Council agenda items. You may also contact Ms. Reed by E-Mail at
[email protected] .
The Clerk's Office does not maintain records pertaining to property taxes, deeds, property ownership, birth, death, marriage or divorce, etc. These are filed with and
handled by various county officials at the Courthouse in Wabash. Courthouse hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Courthouse phone
number is 1-800-286-3190.
Important Information for Town Residents about Voting
Town Judge
Cheryl Gohman is Judge of the Town Court of North Manchester. Judge Gohman may be contacted by writing to 709 W. Main Street, N. Manchester, IN 46962 or
by calling 982-8555, extension 308. Your call may be answered by a machine, but please leave a message so that Judge Gohman can return your call and take care of your situation
just as soon as possible. You may also contact Judge Gohman by E-Mail at [email protected].
Regular sessions of Town Court are scheduled for Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in the court room at the Public Safety Complex at 709 W. Main Street.
The Town Court has jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanors, traffic offenses and violations of town ordinances, but has no small claims jurisdiction. In all instances,
traffic offenders will be issued a mailer at the time the police officer cites them. The mailer provides the means by which the alleged offender enters his/her plea or
pays the fine. All questions regarding payment of fines and appearance in court must be directed to Judge Gohman.
Building Commissioner - Building Permits
The Town Building Commissioner is Bernie Ferringer. He may be reached at Manchester Greenhouse (982-4093). Mr. Ferringer works only part-time as Building
Commissioner and has no regular office hours in Town Hall. He works out of the Clerk's Office. The Clerk's Office staff will assist you with filing for a building permit,
but all questions about zoning, variances, plot plans, set backs, signage, building codes, the need for a building permit, etc., should be addressed to Mr. Ferringer. You may also contact Mr. Ferringer by E-Mail at
[email protected]
North Manchester has a Master Plan for building and development of the community. You are invited to familiarize yourself with the building codes. Copies of the
Master Plan may be reviewed or purchased at the Clerk's Office.
Building permits are necessary whether you want to build a new home or add to and improve your present home or business. Building permits may be applied for at
the Clerk's Office. Generally speaking, a fee of $.03 per square foot of new building construction will be charged, with a minimum fee of $20.00. This fee must be
paid at the time of submitting your application and the Building Commissioner is allowed up to five days to inspect and issue your permit. Be sure to apply for your
permit in plenty of time before the actual construction is to begin. Lack of a permit means construction may be halted.